Objected-Oriented Analysis and Design-4



  • Conceptual model (Larman) 概念模型,又称“名词法”
  • Analysis model with stereotypes (Jacobson) 分析模型
  • CRC cards (Beck, Cunningham) CRC 法

A good analyst knows more than one strategy and even may mix strategies in order to identify the objects and relationships for the design phase. 一个好的分析师掌握多种技术,知道如何混合使用各种技术,目标只有一个:发现对象、定义对象之间的关系。



  • 类,表示一组具有相同行为、属性的对象 Remember that a class represents a group (classification) of objects with the same behaviors
  • 类,在表示对象群体的时候,一般用单数 Generally, classes that represent objects should be given names that are singular nouns
  • 根据类,可以创建所需要数量的对象个体 We are free to instantiate as many of each object as needed


  • 一个名词,是作为概念类合适,还是作为某个类的属性更合适 ? Sometimes it is challenging to decide whether something should be represented as a class
    • 主要还是根据实际情况,取决于我们要解决的问题。一般来说,对问题了解得越细越透彻,越有把握做出决定

在适当的细节层面定义概念类 We want to define classes with the proper amount of

  • 当发现一个类非常复杂时,要考虑拆分成多个小一点的类 When a class becomes too complex, it often should be decomposed into multiple smaller classes to distribute the responsibilities
  • 但是,又不能有太多的类!But , not too many classes


总的来说,对于即将要开发的系统,每项任务 (每个职责) 都需要有一个或多个类去处理,在一开始表示成较为粗狂的职责描述,不必要定义每个类的每个操作


CRC (Class Responsibility Cooperation) 分别代表什么?
  • Classes (of objects) 类
  • Responsibilities (of the objects in each class) 职责
  • Collaborations (with objects in other classes) 协作
    • In UML, these will be examples of “associations”

CRC又称为索引卡片 (CRC card),每张卡片代表一个类,每张卡片上写出这个类承担的职责、与其合作交互的其他类名


  • 非正式的、不是很细节的 Informal, non-detailed
  • 采用小组“头脑风暴”的形式提出概念 Used for group brain-storming
  • CRC的目标不是提供完整的设计 Not intended to provide a complete design
  • CRC产生的结果需要进一步精化 End result is a first cut at classes for an object-oriented model
  • 用例图、边界、用例描述,清楚地描述了系统需求,作为CRC概念类分析的起点 A good starting point for CRC analysis is a clear statement of all of the use-cases.

  • 用例描述的正常事件流、异常事件流,可以作为CRC的“角色扮演”的脚本 Use-cases, or their accompanying scenarios, can be used as a kind of script for the role-playing method (角色扮演) of checking the CRC cards

    • “角色扮演” 也可以用顺序图代替



University Bank will be opening in January, 2020. We plan to use a
full service automated teller machine (ATM) system

  • The ATM system will interact with the customer through a display screen, numeric and special input keys, a bankcard reader, a deposit slot, and a receipt printer
  • Customers may make deposits, withdrawals, and balance inquires using the ATM machine, but the update to accounts will be handled through an interface to the Accounts system
  • Customers will be assigned a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and clearance level by the Security system. The PIN can be verified prior to any transaction
  • In the future, we would also like to support routine operations such as a change of address or phone number using the ATM


标识核心概念类 Identifying Core Classes

Moving from brainstorming to analysis, divide the candidate classes into categories in the following order:

  • 关键的critical classes (i.e., the “winners”), for which we will definitely write CRC cards Items that directly relate to the main entities of the application

    在ATM例子中,如:Account, Deposit, Withdrawal, BalanceUnquiry 这些类

  • 无关的 irrelevant candidates (i.e., the “losers”), which we will definitely eliminate Items that are clearly outside the system scope

    在ATM例子中,如:Printer, Prompt 这些与我们软件无关的类,可能与用户界面相关,但与模型无关

  • 待定的 undecided candidates (i.e., the “maybes”), which we will review further for categorization

    • Items that we may not be able to categorize without first clarifying the system boundaries and definition
明确系统范围 Clarifying System Scope

To continue design, we must determine what is and what is not part of the system

Scope of the ATM system

  • Does it handle everything—the banking application, the user
    interface, and the interactions between them?
  • Is the ATM responsible for updating accounting records or just recording and mediating the transaction activity?
    • 更新账户的操作一般也不会让ATM操作,一般是传到银行服务器上操作

在ATM例子中,我们需要明确以上问题,有时画图是一个不错的方法来确定系统边界 (如:用例图)







  • 它不做具体的事情 it does not do anything — it has no operations

    在ATM例子中,Balance and FundsAvailable have few meaningful operations and both are closely associated with Account

  • 它不能改变状态 it cannot change state

    If a PIN is viewed as being immutable(不变的), not changing state, then it probably should be an attribute of Account. However, if a PIN can change state — say from among valid, invalid, and suspended — then it should be a class

通过以上分析,我们可以得到ATM的核心类:FinancialTransaction, Account, BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal, Deposit, AuthorizeSystemInteraction, BankCard


为每个核心类准备一个CRC卡,写上职责 Write responsibilities on CRC cards for each core class

为概念类定义协作者,此过程与定义职责的过程是交错进行的 Task of finding collaborators for classes often intermixed with finding responsibilities

集中在 What, 而不是 How


  • 首先,以“头脑风暴”为核心类列出各种可能的职责,然后再精化,
  • 如果大多数职责都归属于少数几个类,则设计出了点问题
    • 没有充分利用多态、封装等特性
    • 很多类的功能退化为”记录信息”,只知道自己的信息

ATM example: class Account

A tendency might be to give most of the responsibility to the Account class, which becomes a strong, busy “manager” procedure giving commands to relatively weak, ill-defined “worker” classes

  • 这样Account这个类可重用性就差了

应该给与每个类一个明确的职责 Give each class a distinct role in the system. Strive to make each class a well-defined, complete, cohesive abstraction

ATM example: class Withdrawal

the responsibility “Withdraw Funds”, making it potentially useful to any other class needing to do a withdrawal

  • 取钱应该是ATM例子中比较灵活的功能,如果设计的好,就能在多个地方重用

Factoring out complexity (分解复杂性) also involves identifying specialized behaviors that occurs repeatedly and, as appropriate, spinning off(引出) new classes 如果有一件非常繁琐的事情,可以由几个类共同完成,也可以定义出新的类

ATM example: The capturing and responding to user requests might be factored out into a new class ‘Form’ to ask user for information

使用抽象 Use abstraction

  • Build hierarchies of classes. Abstract the essence of related classes by identifying
    • where they have common responsibilities
    • where they do the same thing, but do it differently
      • same “what”, different “how”
    • That is, look for opportunities for the classes to use polymorphism to implement the same responsibility differently
    • The new parent classes may be abstract classes. The abstract class exists to link together similar concrete types of objects

ATM example: Create an abstract class Transaction that is a superclass for Withdrawal, Deposit, etc. It can have an abstract responsibility “execute a financial transaction”, that is implemented differently for each subclass

分配协作 Assigning Collaborations

标识类之间的关系 Identify relationships among classes

  • Each class is specialist in some set of knowledge and behaviors
  • Classes must cooperate to accomplish nontrivial tasks

使用“基于场景”的角色扮演,发现/测试协作 Use scenariobased role-play to find and/or test these collaborations

  • Scenario is a system behavior and sequence of system events to realize it
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